
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

ব্যায়াম ও বেকাম

একজন বডিবিল্ডার একজন মানুষের শরীরে দেখে তার শরীরের গঠন সম্পর্কে একটি ধারণা পেয়ে যায়। 
আপনার কি মনে আছে। আমি আপনাকে ব্যায়ামের 80 20 principal সম্পর্কে বলেছিল। তার মানে আপনি শুধুমাত্র ২০ ব্যায়াম করে ৮০% ফলাফল পাবেন।
উদাহরণ স্বরূপ:
আপনি যেহেতু একজন অংকের ছাত্রী সেহেতু আমি আপনাকে একটি অংকের উদাহরণ দিচ্ছি।
মনে করেন, একটি অংককে দুই বা ততোধিক ভাবে করা যায়।
আপনি এবং আপনার একজন বন্ধু অংক করা শুরু করলেন।
একই অংক। আপনি এক মিনিট অংক করে অংকের সঠিক ফল বের করলেন।
আপনার অংকটি করতে এক  পৃষ্ঠাগুলি কম পৃষ্ঠা লেগেছে। কারণ আপনি এই অংশটি করতে একটি সূত্রে ব্যবহার করেছেন।
কিন্তু আপনার বন্ধু এই একই অংক করতে দশ পৃষ্ঠা এবং দশ মিনিট লেগেছে। কারণ আপনার বন্ধু এই অংশটি করতে কোন প্রকার সূত্র ব্যবহার করে নাই।
এখন আপনি বলেন কে বেশী বুদ্ধিমান। নিশ্চয়ই আপনি তার থেকে বেশি বুদ্ধিমান এবং মেধাবী।
ব্যায়ামের বেলায় কিন্তু বেশি ভাগ মানুষ সূত্র ব্যবহার না করে নানা প্রকার ব্যায়াম করে। যেখানে ব্যায়ামের একটি উদ্দেশ্যে জন্য একটি ব্যায়াম করলেই হয়। সেখানে সে ঘন্টার পর ঘন্টা বিভিন্ন রকম ব্যায়াম করছে।
তাই আমি অংকের মতো ব্যায়ামের সূত্র আবিষ্কার করেছি। 
আপনি  যেভাবে শুধু একটি সূত্র মুখস্থ রেখে ৩০ সেকেন্ড অনেক পৃষ্ঠা একটি আতংক শেষ করেছেন। ঠিক একইভাবে 
ব্যায়ামের মাধ্যমে একটি সূত্রের ব্যাবহার করে আপনি যেকোন অল্প ব্যায়াম করে আপনি ৮০% ফল পাবেন।
অনেক মতো নানা ধরনের ব্যায়াম করতে হবে না।
উদাহরণ স্বরুপ আমাদের দেহের সম্পূর্ণ ব্যায়াম করা যায় শুধু দুইটি বা ডামবের দিয়ে।
আমাদের দেহের বিভিন্ন মাংস পেশী আছে। তার প্রতিটি মাংস পেশীর আলাদা আলাদা কাজ এবং আলাদা আলাদা নাম আছে। প্রতিটি মাংস পেশী সুন্দর এবং মজবুত জন্য একটি ব্যায়াম সচেষ্ট। 
আমি তোমার এই দশটি রকম মারকে ভয় পাই না। যা তুমি একবার করেছ। আমি তোমার এই একরকম মারকে ভয় পাই যে মার তুমি দশ হাজার বার চর্চা করেছ।
ঠিক শরীর গঠন সুন্দর করা জন্য দশ রকম ব্যায়াম একবার করে করা দরকার নেই। সবচেয়ে ভালো হয় তুমি একটি ব্যায়াম দশ বার করে করো।

Monday, April 20, 2020

Secret six pack Abs

I am going to share with you my Abs secret. genetically I got 7 pack from my parents. You know i start exercise when i was 18 years old boy in 2008. First time I saw my Abs in 2013. when I started train in this time I had no an educated  Trainer.  I had a big brother. I know him in the Gym. Now He is 3 time Mr. Bangladesh. He has few international award in bodybuilding. He trained me how to get Abs exercise. Because He saw me and said me you do a lot of hard work in gym but you didn't get the results. 
He gave me some tips. He didn't do workout in the gym. After A month he came in the gym and he said me. I wanted to see you belly. I saw him my belly. He became surprise. How I  got my Abs pack naturally. After that When he came in the gym he wanted to see my Abs. I really thankful.
when I first time I saw my Abs.  I never can explain my feeling.
When I felt tired by doing exercise. I just saw by abs in mirror. I was forgetting my all heard work.
Can I share with you my secret?

you can get Abs easy in your house. I  know you know better than me how to do crunch. But Everybody do Crunch but they don't get Abs. do you know why? do you know how to do Exercise by using Mind and muscle connection.  I know you know about Mind and Muscle connection. 

The secret is very simple. when you do crunch in those times you have to do Mind and muscle connection.
 Do you know how to do Mind and muscle connection? when you do crunch.
This is Crunch:
"Lie down on your back. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend your knees and place your arms across your chest. Contract your abs and inhale."
The secret is;
When you start do you crunch.
To be continue

When you start do you crunch. 
1. "At first you have to do tighten you stomach (mean to do ‌ you Belly hard) then do you Crunch."
How to do tighten you stomach. It is easy just feel you stomach and try to do tighten.

Breathing process will be same as you learn from you trainer. 
2. "After doing Abs workout you have to do cardio at least 10 minutes."
Which Exercise will be best for getting Abs. I will share you. 
Type of Exercise is not Secret. 
Secrets are two things which I use.". " 
1. "At first you have to do tighten you stomach then do you Crunch." (means at first to do ‌ you Belly hard)
How to do tighten you stomach. It is easy just feel you stomach and try to do tighten.
2. "After  doing Abs workout you have to do cardio at least 10 minutes."

একজন ভুতের লেখকের জীবন

আমি অনেক সুন্দর ভুতের গল্প লেখতে পারি। কিন্তু আমি ভুতের গল্প লেখতে ভয় পাই। আমি যখন ভুতের গল্প লেখি সেই লেখা লেখার সময় আমি ভয় ভীতু হয়ে থাকে। যেমন করে একজন ব্যক্তি একটি ভয়ংকর ভুতের ছবি দেখে যেমন করে ভয় পায় একজন লেখক তার চেয়ে বহু গুণ বেশি ভয় পায়। একজন লেখকের ধারণা থাকে না তার পর কি হবে। সে তো এই ভেবে অবাক  হয় এই ভুতের গল্প কোথায় থেকে আসে। তার পর সেই লেখক তার নিজের ভুতের গল্প পড়ে ভয়ে নিজেকে ছোট করে ঘুমিয়ে থাকে। একজন ব্যক্তি উপর ভুতের ভর করলো লোকটি যে রকম আচরণ করে ঠিক একই রকম একজন ভুতের গল্প লেখক আচরণ করে। তার কোন জ্ঞান বুদ্ধি থাকে না সে শুধু লেখতে থাকে। গল্প লেখার সময় সে কি লেখছে সে তা ভেবে ভয় পায়। ভীতের গল্প লেখার শেষে সে এই গল্প পড়ার সখহস হারিয়ে ফেলে। এই হলো একটি ভুতের লেখক এর জীবন।

কালো কালি

কালো কালি:
আপনার কাছে যদি একটি মাটির কিছু অংশ থাকে। এবং এই মাটির অংশটি যদি নরম হয়। তাহলে আপনি এই মাটির অংশটি দিয়ে যেকোন কিছু তৈরি করতে পারে। এই মাটির অংশটি কে আপনি যেকোন আকৃতি দিতে পারে। 

আর আপনার কাছে যদি একটি শক্ত মাটির টুকরো থাকে। তখন আপনি এই মাটির টুকরোটি কে মনের মতো আকৃতির দিতে পারবেন না। 

আর মানুষের শরীরের মাটি দিয়ে তৈরি। এই শরীর আবার মাটির সাথে মিশে যাবে।
 এবং আবার আমার ঐই মাটি থেকে পুনরায় আমরা আমাদের শরীর বা সম্পূর্ণ দেহ ফিরত পাবো ইনশাআল্লাহ। 

কেন কিছু মানুষ অহংকার নামক কালো কালি দিয়ে এই মাটির মতো দেহকে শক্ত করে রাখে? 
আমার কি আমাদের কে ভালোবাসি না?

কালো কালি
"শক্ত মাটিতে হয় না ফসল!
ফসল হয় শুধু নরম মাটিতে।
কেমন করে হবে মানুষ, জীবিত-
মৃত্যুর ও পরে। 
 সম্পূর্ণ দেহ পাবে নাকো ফেরত,
যদি থাকে অহংকার নামক - 
কালো কালি।
কেমন করে হবে মানুষ, জীবিত-
মৃত্যুর ও পরে।
শক্ত মাটিতে হয় না ফসল!
ফসল হয় শুধুই নরম মাটিতে।"

লেখক: যুবাইর মাহমুদ।

Friday, April 17, 2020

From the Qur'an in the event that all people are alive:

From the Qur'an in the event that all people are alive:
Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.
I use Suddenly words three times because It will be happening Suddenly. Because Do you hear  A liar Shepherd. (Real Story).

 In some countries, at night and in some countries the day is noon.  When people go to rest, that is, the whole earth will start shaking.
 All living beings on earth will become drunk.  People will then worry and say, 'What is this?
 The pregnant mother will automatically get the baby out of her womb.
 The meteorite of fire will be coming from all around the people.  The mountains will fly into the sky, splitting the cliffs.  The high-rise buildings will continue to fly.
 That is, the sun will lose its brightness.  As a result, the countries that see the moonlight at night will be completely dark.  And in the country where the sun was light, that day, the country will be dark. Earth color will be changed into red.
 All people will die.

 The first word of the horn blow, po …………… ..
 The whole world will begin to change by another world.  The whole high and low places of the earth will become equal and turn into a field.
 The whole world will turn into a field, and then the new earth created in the earth will shake for the first time.
 The death of all human beings within the earth's soil will be like kissing the bones of a body.  The bones of one human body begin to twitch or form. At one point all human bones will be joined or formed.
 Then the body of the human body will begin to become muscular.  Then the meat will be attached to one of the bones that were made earlier.  All of these tasks will continue to rise to the ground.

 Thus every human body will be restored by One God.
 [After each human death, Allah Ta'ala writes in a book how many parts of the human body have been mixed with the soil.  According to that scripture, every human body will be restructured.]

 The second word of the horn blow, po …………… ..
 All the tombs on earth will burst.  All the dead people will come out of their graves.  Some people will say who woke me up?

 As the tree comes out from under the ground.  In the same way
 Inside the earth, in the ground, all dead people will come out in such a way.
 And those who died outside the earth, that is, scientists whose bodies were dead outside the earth.  None of them will be brought back to life on this earth.

 Those who did not believe in alive again.  They will be raised from the grave by being deaf and dumb etc.

 All living beings will see this world as a completely empty field.
 If some people try to go beyond a certain range, they will not be able to go.
 An example of this is when I play car video games.   we could see a lot of empty places along ours car video game.   when our video game cars try to go there.  Video game cars can't able to go on those  empty places.  In the same way all the dead people will start walking along a road. They will see a lot of empty places around the roads. 
  Some people will try to go those empty places. But they will not be able to go those empty place. All people will have to walk only the roads.

 The skies of this earth will burst through the middle.  Supreme God throne, throne which holds the light of Supreme God will carry eight honorable angels. Supreme God throne will be descending from above the earth to below the earth by helping eight honorable angels.
 The shadow of the cloud will be on the throne containing the light of Supreme God.
 All the worlds   will be fully enlightened by the Light of God.  The whole world will look as bright as the daylight.

 All the people of the world will be divided into three parts.  Three will be sari.  A big Weighing Scale  will be placed  near the God throne.

 A book will be giving in the hands of all people. And will say that Read the book in your hand.  Some people will begin to read the book in their hands and will be lazy to say, "What kind of diary is this that The book have written about all the good and bad things that we have done on earth?"
From the Qur'an in the event that all people are alive:
Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.
I use Suddenly words three times because It will be happening Suddenly. Because Do you hear  A liar Shepherd. (Real Story).

 In some countries, at night and in some countries the day is noon.  When people go to rest, that is, the whole earth will start shaking.
 All living beings on earth will become drunk.  People will then worry and say, 'What is this?
 The pregnant mother will automatically get the baby out of her womb.
 The meteorite of fire will be coming from all around the people.  The mountains will fly into the sky, splitting the cliffs.  The high-rise buildings will continue to fly.
 That is, the sun will lose its brightness.  As a result, the countries that see the moonlight at night will be completely dark.  And in the country where the sun was light, that day, the country will be dark. Earth color will be changed into red.
 All people will die.

 The first word of the horn blow, po …………… ..
 The whole world will begin to change by another world.  The whole high and low places of the earth will become equal and turn into a field.
 The whole world will turn into a field, and then the new earth created in the earth will shake for the first time.
 The death of all human beings within the earth's soil will be like kissing the bones of a body.  The bones of one human body begin to twitch or form. At one point all human bones will be joined or formed.
 Then the body of the human body will begin to become muscular.  Then the meat will be attached to one of the bones that were made earlier.  All of these tasks will continue to rise to the ground.

 Thus every human body will be restored by Allah Ta'ala.
 [After each human death, Allah Ta'ala writes in a book how many parts of the human body have been mixed with the soil.  According to that scripture, every human body will be restructured.]

 The second word of the horn blow, po …………… ..
 All the tombs on earth will burst.  All the dead people will come out of their graves.  Some people will say who woke me up.

 As the tree comes out from under the ground.  In the same way
 Inside the earth, in the ground, all dead people will come out in such a way.
 And those who died outside the earth, that is, scientists whose bodies were dead outside the earth.  None of them will be brought back to life on this earth.

 Those who did not believe in living again.  They will be raised from the grave by being deaf and dumb.

 All living beings will see this world as a completely empty field.
 If some people try to go beyond a certain range, they will not be able to go.
 An example of this is when I play video games in my car.  Then I could see a lot of empty places along my street.  There are times when our video game cars try to go there.  Video game cars can't get out on the street.  In the same way all the dead people will start walking along a road.  Some people will not be able to go if they try to move.

 The skies of this earth will burst through the middle.  Allah's throne, which holds the light of Allah Ta'ala, will carry eight honorable angels descending from above the earth from above the earth.
 The shadow of the cloud will be on the throne containing the light of Allah.
 All the worlds of the Light of Allah will be fully enlightened.  The whole world will look as bright as the daylight.

 All the people of the world will be divided into three parts.  Three will be sari.  Allah Ta'ala will be placed on a beard near the throne.

 A book will be written in the hands of all people.  Read the books in your hand.  Some people will begin to read the books in their hands and will be lazy to say, "What kind of diary is this that I have written about all the good and bad things that we have done on earth?"

Thursday, April 16, 2020

I will give my opinion. Please don’t take seriously.
Suppose you have a mangoes garden.  Mangoes are grown in abundance every year.
 You sell some mangoes and you donate some money.
 Please do assume,
 You donate 1 rupees a year.
 Think you lived a hundred years.
 That means you donated 80 rupees.
 Because you own a mango tree at the age of 20.
 You can think  it on the other way.
 You have a mango tree.
 Each year, you save 1 rupees after selling mangoes.  Some years after that, some money is saved.  With that money you buy a mango plant.  And you donate the new mango plant. But you take care the mango plant like other you mangoes tree.
 Remember, this mango tree starts growing and  giving mangoes when you are forty years old.
 Then you can say, You will donate all the mangoes of this particular mango tree.
 It means that if the new mango tree will live a hundred years.
Now you can say donation will not be stopped when you are absent.
 Almost Every wise person will do same thing.
 This is called passive donation.  When a wise person dies, his donation will not stop.
 Even in the future if this person will face any money crisis.  He can borrow money of this donated mango tree.  Then he will not have to pay interest on that loan.

Anything= Anything.
এর মানে আপনি যখন বিয়োগ অংক করেন তখন আপনাকে অংক করার জন্য ধার নিতে হয়। পরে আবার আপনি সেই ধার পরিশোধ করে দেন। উদাহরণ স্বরূপ:

আপনি বর্তমানে তা দান করছেন। তা হলো ঈশ্বরকে পরোক্ষভাবে ধার দেওয়া। এর ফলে আপনার সম্পদ কমছে।
আপনি অংকের ছাত্রী। আপনি ভালো ভাবে জানেন = equal দুই পাশে সর্বদা সমান মানের সংখ্যা থাকে।
উদাহরণ স্বরূপ;
= Equal  দুই পাশে আলাদা সংখ্যা আছে। কিন্তু দুই পাশ সমান।
মনে করেন একজন ব্যক্তি যে তার জীবনে কোন সংখ্যা দেখেনি। তাকে  যদি আপনি
8-6=2  অংকটি দেখিয়ে বলেন দুই পাশে সমান সংখ্যা আছে।
সে কখনো আপনার কথা বিশ্বাস করবে না। 

Even people will get back all their donation Money.
Anything= Anything.
That means when you do subtract math.  Something you have to borrow to 1  সংখ্যা.  Then you pay the loan 1 again.  For example:

 What you are currently donating.  That is to lend to God indirectly.  As a result, your wealth is declining.
 You are a student of maths.  You know well = equal is always equal  on both sides, that is, two sides will always be equal.
 For example;
 8-6 = 2
 = sometime Equal has different numbers on the two sides.  But the two sides are equal.
 A person who seems to have never seen a number in his life.  If you  shows him
 The figure 8-6 = 2 that and says there are equal numbers on both sides.
 He will never believe your words.
True is always True. True don’t change for a person who has a lack of Knowledge.

The Qur'an contains the documents of what I have said;
An-Najm  20 no surah of Al Quran.
 verse 102,103 and 104
The Day the Horn will be blown. And We will gather the criminals, that Day, blue-eyed.

They will murmur among themselves, "You remained not but ten [days in the world]."

We are most knowing of what they say when the best of them in manner will say, "You remained not but one day." 
The life we will get after death.  The size of that life will be much larger.  When we would see such a great life and then we will say that  we  was living a short time on earth.

God has fixed budget for Evey people in the earth
To the ability of every human being.

Surah Al baqarah 
200; [last part]
And among the people is he who says, "Our Lord, give us in this world," and he will have in the Hereafter no share.
But among them is he who says, "Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire."

Those will have a share of what they have earned, and Allah is swift in account.

That's why I love to simple life.

Writer: Jubair Mahmud.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Gift of God

Gift of God is a kingdom. The kingdom will cover whole World. Representative of God will rule the kingdom on behalf of the Supreme Soul. As I said before All religious will be United and will establish Gift of God kingdom.
The Representative of Supreme Soul will be 11  Gurus of Sikh. you may be not be belief me.  But It is True. It will be happen.

"Just as the mortal dies without water, so does the Sikh die without the Guru. ||15||
Just as the earth looks beautiful when the rain falls, so does the Sikh blossom forth meeting the Guru. ||16।।"

So The Sikh will not die. Because The Sikh will get their 11 Guru. The Earth will look more beautiful When the 11 Guru will Come. It will also happens when Gift of God Kingdom Establish.  It is necessary to complete the book of Gift of God.

Bodhgaya people will call the representative of the Supreme Soul  dalai lama. Because They will love the person.  They will give him honor by calling Dalai lama.
All religious people will give him a   
Name. Because They will love the representative of the supreme soul.
As for Example
Hindu people will give him honor by calling Kalki Avatar.
Muslim people will give him honor by calling imam mahdi.
Jesus people will give him honor by Calling "Messiah".

Please beliefs my words because I am Jubair.
Jubair means one who fixes and improves the world.
Arabic for “mender”, “unbreaker”, one who fixes and improves the world.

Meaning of Jubair
Arabic for “mender”, “unbreaker”, one who fixes and improves the world. It is the diminutive form of Jabir.

Chapter One
What is the kingdom of GOD?

 Kingdom  of GOD means  GOD is the owner of earth's sovereignty. There will be no king or leader except GOD.

 The Kingdom of GOD; The Kingdom of God will be ruled by GOD commandments.
Kingdom of ONE GOD will emerge to bring together all the nations in the world. 

There will be no boundaries in the kingdom of ONE GOD. A person will manage kingdom of GOD. He will be known as representative of GOD.

The world will be arranged in a new form. All religious people will be treated Equally. But There has a condition. The Condition is mention Below.
All religious people shall have to fully follow theirs supreme Religion Holy Book.
As for Example;
1. Jews people shall have to follow The Holy Torah fully at first.
2. Christian shall have to follow The holy book injeel Fully at first.
3. Hindu shall have to follow The holy book vedas Fully at first.
4. Buddhist Shall have to follow The holy book Tripitaka fully at first.
5. Muslim Shall have to follow The holy book Quran fully at first E.T.C.

If A person is not following the holy book. The person will be punished by the kingdom of one God court.
If any other books will be inconsistent with the Supreme religious holy BOOK that Other books shall be void to the extent of the inconsistency.
The world will enter a new era. Theist and atheists will be divided into two parts. The atheists will be protected by the Theist.
There will have a peace Contract between the believer and the atheist. There will be a section of the agreement that atheists will not interfere in the kingdom of GOD. In return, they will be able to get the protection of the kingdom of GOD.

A world vote will be  done by internet.   To know the opinion of the world people about the kingdom of GOD. The establishment of  the kingdom of ONE God will depend on the will of all human beings in the universe.

The main purpose of this book is to encourage reading your own religious holy books. 
I respect the people of all religions, but the condition is that they will worship one God according to their main religious books and
They can not worship any Idol Worship.  Chief of All religious will be agreed  that  God is one according to all religious holy books. This belief will help to do unity among all religious people.

If you read this book, you will know how it will be possible to establish the kingdom of  God on earth, with the consent of all countries and people?
How can all religious leaders give permission to establish  kingdom of God?

There is a general conception among all religions that in the future, an era will come in which people will be able to fulfill their religion fully in peace. And the victory of their religion will win the world wide world. For example: the faith of Islam is Mahadi AY era. The era of the arrival of Jesus Christ of Christianity, the era of the arrival of the kalki avatar of the Hindu religion, and a man believing in the Jewish religion will come in the future that the Golden Age will begin in the Jewish religion.

I have respect for all religions. I have tried to create a garland in the body of all religions, which is a wreath. This book is its reflection. I have tried to show how the golden age of all religions will come at the same time because the God of all religions is one. If you read the main religious scriptures of all religions, then you can know that the Gods of all religions are similar in nature.
The main thing of all religions is to establish peace.

The main purpose of the formation of God's kingdom is to show atheists that God will not be wronged, injustice to God. If an atheist is also protected by the belief system, but if an atheist breaks the peace agreement which has been done with a believer He will be punished accordingly. And then he will not be treated with another. And its deserved punishment will not be more than just punishment. Atheists in God's kingdom will feel most secure.

In the same way as a state through socialism and democracy, it will be formed and managed in the kingdom of God. One God-system is the modern process of governing a state and a modern process for peaceful execution of the world. In the same way as I am modernizing one thing, the concept of God's kingdom is a modern method with which the world will be operated from a center such as the United Nations. And as such, every state is managed.

If you think that I wrote about the kingdom of God, you think the wrong is that. I am the only thing I wrote, which comes in my mind, and this word has been given this word in this mind. That is, God is given to God, which is one of God's hearts in the heart of God.

1. What is the kingdom of GOD? 

3. Contracts
4. International Government system.

5. The agent of GOD
6. ঈশ্বরের পবিত্র কিতাবগুলো
God's holy books:
Those who read other scriptures without reading the Holy Book, say that this book and God's example are the example of a person who is speaking to a God in front of him and another person speaks to him, that silly man stops speaking to God, who says this man You tell me Because you have God's word within you. This silly person is not wise enough to understand that this person is a God, and the word of God is more valuable than that person's words.

7. Argument Assembly House in International.
8. National Government System.
9. International Constitution of Religious books 
10. National Constitution of Religious books
11. Nation court.

12. International court system:
International Criminal Court.
International Civil Court.

13. Effect of the kingdom of GOD
14. Essential to the kingdom of GOD
15. What will happen at the time of the kingdom of the GOD
16. Example kingdom of One GOD kingdom
17. Golden Age

18. Anticorruption.
19. Accountability.

Anybody can do any criticism of the kingdom of God. But the condition is to say that behind him that criticism. And he will have to advise more how God's Kingdom can be handled in a better and well-quality way. If all those suggestions are not conflict with all the main religious scriptures, his advice will be implemented. The advice is not a conscious or atheist will meet. And if his advice is the main religious scripture, it will not be advisable to consult.

What a Supreme soul (God) looks like:
It is good to know the answer to such a question as to see what a God is.
 I'll tell you what God looks like.  For this reason I will give references to different scriptures.
You must first know the difference between the planets and the stars.

There are   difference between the planets and the stars.
Star: Example: Sun is a star.
i. A star has its own light.
ii. Stars twinkle at night.
iii. A star has very high temperature.

Planet: Example: Earth is a Planet.
i. A planet has no light of its own. It shines by reflecting the light of the sun.
ii. Planets do not twinkle.
iii. Planets have low temperatures as compared to stars.

Now you need to know about the comparison.
As Example supposed you don’t see pear. Pear is one kind of fruit. It looks like apple.  But pears are another type of fruit.
But you see Apple. You love to eat apples.
If a person tells you have you ever seen a pear?  Pear is a type of fruit that looks a lot like apples.
Then maybe you get an idea about pears.  This does not mean that you have a complete understanding of pears.

It is not possible for any human to know what the Supreme soul is.  But we can get an idea of what God looks like.  The idea is that if we get a book from God.  Then it gets better.
Almost all religious texts have given different ideas about what God looks like.
First I will bring you a verse of the Qur'an.  In this verse God speaks of what God looks like.
God has given an idea about God look like.
এই ব্যাখাটি শিব পুরানে সাথে মিল আছে।
Only One God look:
Surah An-Nur-35, "The Light"  Verse-35; Al Quran:
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. 
“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.”

I want to share a thing. If you want to find out a real religious guru. Please do notice his reaction when a person says, "guruji  you are my God." If The religious Guru don't say anything. That means his inner feeling is he is a God. Please do far way from such kind of religious Guru.
 Because God is one. The One God is Supreme Soul. A pure religious guru always say I am nothing. The pure religious guru always say I am just a person who helps you to connect your soul with supreme soul. The pure Guru always give his all  credit to the Supreme Soul. Because it is true. But few religious guru say one thing in his mouth but in his mind say another thing. Such kind of religious gurus are more dangerous. It has better if you can read all religious supreme books. If you will interest to know about any particular religious.

I don't say God look like a star. Star look like God.  At the same time Apple  look like pear. But Apple and pear are both different types of fruits.
Write: Jubair Mahmud.

I have a bad experience about donation.  

 A 10 years boy. It is my story.
A white little boy.
 When He passed the Class Four.  After that he was admitted to a new Hafezi Madrasa (Hafezi Madrasa  where children is memorizing the Quran).  If he has a deep desire for memorizing the Quran.  
So he is admitted to a new Hafezi madrassa near his residence.  One day she heard from a man that if he wanted to be Hafez, she had to go to a Hafezhi madrassa far away from his parents.  Then he told his father that he wanted  to attend a madrasa which is far away from his parents house.

If I will be admitted to a madrasa which is far away from his parents house.
 I would be haphazard.  The father knew his son, the father told his son that you could be hafiz from a madrassa near your home.  But the boy tried to explain to his father in different ways. Father loved his son so he did not want to admit his son to a madrasa which is far away from his  house.
but at one point the father kept his request.
 When the boy went to a madrassa for the first time, he used to read the Quran all the time in the hope that he might be haphazard, even when the boy used to play in the field after the Asr prayers.  In those times he read the Quran Like crazy little boy.
 If you listen to the boy previous trip to a madness, you will understand a pattern of his madness.  One day he was playing on the field after the prayer of the room.  Then a cricket ball fell into a dirty pond beside the field.  The players in the field told him that if you could pull the ball out of the dirty water you would be haphazard.  The boy then went down into the dirty water in hopes of getting rid of the ball.  Since the boy could not swim, the boy was afraid to go down into the dirty water.  Now you can tell why the boy did not drown in the pond.   brother dirty pond deep in the dirty pond, so the boy did not drown.  Now let's go back to the story first. 

 The boy was more mad when he was going to study in his remote madrassa.  A man was telling him that a lot of people were beaten up by Huzur's hand (Teacher of the Madrassa)
 So when Hujar beat him, he was happy that he could be Hafez. The boy smiled and thought he could be Hafez.  The truth is that he was in pain.  
I'm talking about the extent of the beatings.  He could lift the cut skin with his hands, sticking it to a certain place in his hands and the blood was tightened in that particular spot.  He thought that if he had cut spots on the back of his head he would be haphazard.  

The reason for his feeling like this was that many Hafez saw the scar on the back of his head. He tried to cut his head back.  Since the boy was of a frightened nature, he did not succeed in cutting his head back.  

The madrassas received financial support from various agencies.  With that money, it was the responsibility of the masters to manage the winter clothing and good food for the students.  A good amount of money was deposited in the madrassa fund but due to lack of accountability, the money could not be passed indirectly to the poor students.  One day he saw that the teacher taught the students of the madrasas that they should tell lies, now you tell me what kind of lies the masters taught the students?
  Listen, then, to what kind of lies the teacher taught the students. 

Some guests will come to the madrassa. if they ask if your father lives?  Then the students will all say that their father is dead.  But the truth is that the parents of some of their students were alive.  If the guest asks what food you are given. Then the students will be told the guests look at the chart of the food. We eat according to the chart of the food  But the truth is that the list of real foods was no match for that food list.  

He had a bad habit that he could not lie.
After some time the guests suddenly came to the madrasa.  Then The boy was sleeping.  You may  know that all madrassa students have to wake up early in the morning. They are given a certain time of day to sleep.  The day was a winter day.
The boy was shaking.
  A guest come to the boy and told the boy why you were shaking in the winter.  Before the boy can answer, the guest again says that you was not receiving winter clothes.  The boy  answered he was not received any winter clothes.  The boy, unknowingly, told the truth to the guest. Because he is saying always true.

 Every night after the Asha prayers, that madrassa was a rule that a few students from the students would stand up and recite Surah Mulk in the Quran.  Among the few students was that the boy.  That the boy was Totala,  when he was  recite Surah Mulk in the Quran. His pronouncing was like a Totala boy.
After the guests was gone,
 On that night the boy recited Surah Mulk, The big teacher of the madrassa's  stopped him from reciting the Quran and The big teacher of the madrassa's  was 
doing   acting like the Totala boy. 
The big teacher ordered all teacher that the boy was not able to memorize the Quran because he is Totala.
The Quran memorizing  should not be taken anymore from the boy.  
when he went to sleep after the incident.
The boy could not sleep  that night.

The boy soaked the pillow with tears throughout the night.  The next day,
When the boy goes to the teacher to Listening the words  of the Quran.
Teacher said we are not Listening you Quran words.
The boy cried and told the teacher, please listen to my reading.
The teacher was refusing to Listening.
That night 
The boy soaked the pillow again with tears throughout the night.  

The boy was going to his house. 
After Twelve years.
The boy has got honours and Masters  Degrees from that place.
God is the best planner.
Writer: Jubair Mahmud.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Gift of God kingdom

Gift of God kingdom

Religious convert will be prohibited. when Gift of God kingdom will be established. If Any Muslim will try to  convert any Non-Muslim into Muslim. He will be punished by the representative of the Supreme soul. Muslim people will not allow to convert any Shik into Muslim. If A Shik woman wants to marry a Muslim boy. Now She is  allowed by holy books. And she will be allowed. When Gift of God Kingdom will be established.
A Muslim boy can marry any other religious Woman without converting her religious. 
But There has some condition. 
1. Other religious person must be belief in one God.  
2. Other religious person must have a holy book.
I know shik people are belief in One God. Shik people have holy book.
As I am a lawyer. So I know the Islamic law. Because I had to read Islamic law for being a lawyer.
 According to Islam A Muslim boy can marry a shik woman. The Shik woman don't need to change her religious. The shik wife can follow her shik religious after marriage a Muslim boy. And The Muslim man can follow his Muslim religious after marriage a shik woman. one of them don't need to change their religious. It's a beauty of Gift of God kingdom.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Surrender soul to the supreme soul;

Surrender soul to the supreme soul;
Generally two types of writer present in the world.
1. A writer who do plan before writing.
2. A writer who do not plan before writing. Second types of writer start writing suddenly  and after finishing writing than he read his writing and become surprise what he has written because when he writes. he became a robot. He writes what his souls  instruct or says him.
Do you know how to become a second types of writer.
They have two ways to become a writer who do not plan before writing.
Second types of writer give or  surrender his souls to the supreme God or Lucifer.
I give you an example it makes you clear understood.
It is just an example. It is a fiction story.
You have a automatic car. automatic car mean a  car
Automatically drive itself without using any driver.
Suppose, The  car Automatically drive itself by using an app. 
Please do suppose
Because it makes me easily to give you proper understand what I want to say.
 you give the password of the app  to a person. The person is a bad person. He wants to destroy you Automatically car and ------. When he wants  he use the app.  At the time  you are in the car and then he take control  automatic car. ….
You can think opposite side.
you give the password of the app  to a person. The person is a good person. He loves you more than you love you life.
He want to save you life. When you are in the car he see the app. If he see the automatic car do not do his duty properly. In this time he called you and say you do you own drive because The Automatic car is becoming mad.
The moral of the story. You can surrender you soul to supreme God (Waheguru). Waheguru refers to the almighty God, the supreme soul.
When you do Meditation
You can say supreme soul  (Waheguru). I surrender my all things to  you my soul, my body, my health, my wealth. Everything mean Everything. Please do except my gift to you. And give me wisdom which is not given any one.

Do not worry.  supreme soul don’t take you soul and money. He doesn’t need you soul. Because he is the father of all soul. He just do Connection
 his soul to you soul. Rest of the magic.
supreme soul don’t take you money. Because he doesn’t  need any money. He is richer than you.
He is so kind that he is writing down the food you are currently giving to the poor.
When He resurrects you after your death, He will reward you ten times more for this food.  Do not be afraid He will raise all the dead.  They believe in being alive again they will find their whole body intact.
So please believe in living again after death.
It is called the power of belief.

Praise be to supreme soul, because he is the Source of all wisdom and knowledge.
Please don’t do praise me.  Because it will cause me harm.

Praise be to the supreme soul. if you will.  I was just a medium.  You have access to this information.

Do you know Lucifer ?
He was the most Wise person in the universe.
He took wisdom from supreme soul by using this Method.
Lucifer did  praise himself. Lucifer loved to take praise from other and Angel.
That praise is the cause of his destroy.
If you get a lot of wisdom and knowledge. Please don’t do praise of you. 

Because it will destroy you knowledge and wisdom Source.
Please always give the credit to the supreme soul. supreme soul love you and always give you  wisdom and knowledge as he wants.

Writer: Jubair Mahmud.
Lover of wisdom.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

দুনিয়ার জীবন বনাম আখিরাতের জীবন;

মনে করেন,

আপনার সামনে ১০০০ কোটি টাকা রেখে আপনাকে বলা হলো, তোমাকে দুই অপশন দেওয়া হলো, তুমি এই ১০০০ কোটি টাকা নিচের উল্লেখিত দুইটি অপশন একটি বেছে নিতে পারো।
তুমি ১০০০ কোটি টাকার মালিক হতে পারবা; 
১) তুমি এই ১০০০ কোটি টাকা মালিক শুধু ১ ঘন্টার জন্য হতে পারবা। 
২) তুমি এই ১০০০ কোটি টাকা মালিক তুমি সারা জীবনের জন্য হতে পারবা।
আপনি কোন অপশনটি বেছে নিবেন।
আমি জানি আপনার উত্তর হলো দ্বিতীয় অপশন।
আপনি এই ১০০০ কোটি টাকা মালিক সারা জীবনের জন্য হতে চাইবেন।
মজার কথা হলো বাস্তব জীবনে বেশীরভাগ মানুষই প্রথম অবশনটি বেছে নিতে চায়।
২। সূরা আল বাকারা; আয়াত: ২০০ এর শেষের অংশ "-" এর আয়াতের অংশ গুলো এবং ২০১, ২০২ আয়াত গুলো পড়ুন।
তাহলে বুঝতে পারবেন আমি কি বুঝতে চেয়েছি;
পরম করুনাময় ও অসীম দয়ালু আল্লাহর নামে শুরু করছি,
২০০, যখন তােমরা তােমাদের (হজ্জের যাবতীয়)
আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষ করে নেবে তখন (এখানে বসে আগের দিনে)
যেভাবে তােমরা তােমাদের পূর্বপুরুষদের (গৌরবের কথা)
স্মরণ করতে, তেমনি করে- বরং তার চাইতে বেশী
পরিমাণে (এখন) আল্লাহকে স্মরণ করাে;
মানুষদের ভেতর থেকে একদল লােক বলে, হে আমাদের
মালিক, (সব) ভালাে জিনিস তুমি আমাদের এ
দুনিয়াতেই দিয়ে দাও, বস্তুত (যারা এ ধরনের কথা বলে) তাদের
জন্যে পরকালে আর কোনাে পাওনাই (বাকী) থাকে না।"
"২০১, (আবার) এ মানুষদেরই আরেক দল বলে, হে
আমাদের প্রতিপালক, এ দুনিয়ায়ও তুমি আমাদের কল্যাণ
দান করাে, পরকালেও তুমি আমাদের কল্যাণ দান করাে;
(সর্বোপরি) তুমি আমাদের আগুনের আযাব থেকে নিষ্কৃতি
২০২, এ ধরনের লােকদের তাদের নিজ নিজ উপার্জন
মােতাবেক তাদের যথার্থ হিস্যা রয়েছে, আল্লাহ তায়ালাই
হচ্ছেন দ্রুত হিসাব গ্রহণকারী।"

৩ সূরা আলে ইমরান;
পরম করুনাময় ও অসীম দয়ালু আল্লাহর নামে শুরু করছি,
১৪৫. কোনাে প্রাণীই আল্লাহর (সিদ্ধান্ত ও) অনুমতি ছাড়া
মরবে না, (আল্লাহ তায়ালার কাছে প্রত্যেকটি প্রাণীরই
মৃত্যুর দিনক্ষণ সুনির্দিষ্ট (হয়ে আছে,) যে ব্যক্তি পার্থিব
পুরস্কারের প্রত্যাশা করে আমি তাকে (এ দুনিয়াতেই)
তার কিছু অংশ দান করবাে, আর যে ব্যক্তি আখেরাতের
পুরস্কারের ইচ্ছা পােষণ করবে আমি তাকে সে (চিরন্তন
পাওনা) থেকেই এর প্রতিফল দান করবাে এবং অচিরেই
আমি (আমার প্রতি) কৃতজ্ঞদের (যথার্থ) প্রতিফল দান
১৪৬. (আল্লাহর) আরাে অনেক নবীই (এখানে এসে)
ছিলাে, সে নবী (আল্লাহর পথে) যুদ্ধ করেছে, তার সাথে
(আরাে যুদ্ধ করেছে। অনেক সাধক (ও জ্ঞানবান) ব্যক্তি,
আল্লাহর পথে তাদের ওপর যতাে বিপদ-মসিবতই
এসেছে তাতে (কোনােদিনই) তারা হতাশ হয়ে পড়েনি,
তারা দুর্বলও হয়নি, (বাতিলের সামনে তারা) মাথাও নত
করেনি, (এ ধরনের) ধৈর্যশীল ব্যক্তিদেরই আল্লাহ তায়ালা

আর বিস্তারিত এই বিষয়ে জানতে হলে সম্পূর্ণ কোরআন শরীফ নিজের মাতৃভাষা শুনুন বা পাঠ করুন।
"সকল প্রশংসা আল্লাহ তা'আলার কারণ তিনি সকল জ্ঞানের উৎস।"
লেখক: যুবাইর মাহমুদ।

জমি জমা

 = ''খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''সি এস খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''এস এ খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''আর এস খতিয়ান...