
Monday, November 18, 2019

Body Building secret

Benefits of doing Exercises:
Be Young.
Increasing face beauty.
Be healthy. Heart, 
To do strong muscle and Bone etc.
Increasing brain power.


"ভিটামিন মনে হলেও ভিটামিন ডি আসলে একটি স্টেরয়েড হরমোন। অন্যান্য ভিটামিন যেখানে এন্টি অক্সিজেন বা কো-এনজাইম হিসাবে কাজ করে, ভিটামিন ডি (স্টেরয়েড হরমোন) জিন এক্সপ্রেশন নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে অর্থাৎ দেহের প্রোটিন তৈরিতে নিয়ন্ত্রণকারীর ভূমিকায় থাকে।"

ভিটামিন ডি-র উৎস

উৎস পরিমাণ ভিটামিন ডি-র

উপস্থিতি (ওট)

সূর্যরশ্মি শরীরের ভিটামিন ডি-র চাহিদার

৮০ শতাংশের বেশি ত্বকে

সূর্যরশ্মি পতিত হওয়ার কারণে

তৈরি হয়।

খাদ্য উপাদান ৩.৫ আউন্স ৬০০-১০০০

স্যালমন ফিশ ৩.৫ আউন্স ১০০-২৫০

সার্ডিন (কৌটাজাত) ৩.৫ আউন্স ৩০০

টুনা (কৌটাজাত) ৩.৫ আউন্স ২৩৬

ম্যাকারেল (কৌটাজাত) ৩.৫ আউন্স ২৫০

তাজা মাশরুম ৩.৫ আউন্স ১০০

কৌটাজাত মাশরুম ৩.৫ আউন্স ১৬০০

ডিম (সিদ্ধ) ৩.৫ আউন্স ২০

টক দই ১৭৫ গ্রাম ৫৮-৭১

গরুর কলিজা (রান্না করা) ৭৫ গ্রাম ৩৬

৪০ ওট ভিটামিন ডি-র কার্যকারিতা ১ মাইক্রোগ্রাম সমতুল্য।

সূর্যালোক থেকে ভিটামিন ডি পেতে হলে মার্চ-অক্টোবর মাসের (অন্যান্য মাসগুলোতে আরও বেশি সময় ধরে) প্রতিদিন কমপক্ষে ৩০ মিনিট রোদ পোহাতে হবে যখন শরীরের ১৮ শতাংশের বেশি অংশে রোদ লাগবে।
প্রধানত প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক মানুষদের ক্ষেত্রে, যাদের ডায়াবেটিস আছে, হৃদরোগ-স্ট্রোক হয়েছে, প্রজনন সমস্যা আছে, পলিসিস্টিক ওভারি সিন্ড্রোম আছে ও দৈহিক স্থূলতায় আক্রান্ত, এদেরকে নিয়েই আলোচনা আবর্তিত হচ্ছে।
কাদের ভিটামিন ডি ওষুধ হিসেবে খেতে হবে

* নবজাতক যারা শুধুই মায়ের দুগ্ধ পান করছে ও যারা ১০০০ মিলিলিটারের কম শিশুখাদ্য গ্রহণ করে।

* শিশু-কিশোর যারা অপরিকল্পিতভাবে গড়ে ওঠা নগরে বা অস্বাস্থ্যকর শহরে (ঢাকা অন্যতম) বসবাস করছে।

* দৈহিক স্থূল শিশু-কিশোর যাদের ত্বকের বিভিন্ন অংশে মকমলের মতো কালো অংশ দেখা দিচ্ছে।

* ধর্মীয় বা অন্য কারণে পোশাকে প্রায় সারাদেহ আবৃত শিশু-কিশোর।

* খাদ্য নালীর সমস্যার কারণে হজম ও বিপাকীয় কার্যক্রম হ্রাস পেলে।

* প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক জীবনযাপন (হেস্টেল, হাসপাতাল বা অফিস) যাতে রোদে যাওয়ার সুযোগ কমে যায়।

ভিটামিন ডি-র ঘাটতি খুব বেশি হলে ৪০ হাজার ওট সপ্তাহে এবং পরে মাসে একটি করে ভিটামিন ডি ক্যাপসুল খেয়ে যেতে হবে। ঘাটতি কম হলে ২০ হাজার ওট ক্যাপসুল যথেষ্ট হতে পারে।

[লেখক : সহকারী অধ্যাপক, হরমোন ও ডায়াবেটিস বিশেষজ্ঞ, এন্ডোক্রাইনোলজি বিভাগ, বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব মেডিকেল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়।]

Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman secret:
Do every single night before the game;
Vodka and Coffee mixed and make a drink. And drink the vodka and Coffee. It help you to give cutting in the body.

What is muscular hypertrophy?

There are two types of muscular hypertrophy:

myofibrillar: growth of muscle contraction parts
sarcoplasmic: increased muscle glycogen storage. Example of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Bodybuilder to do CARB-LOADING before game.

Increase Sodium Intake
In the week prior to starting your carb-cutting program, boost your intake of sodiumOpens in a new Window. — plain table salt. The simplest way to do this is to sprinkle salt on all of your meals. Elevating sodium increases water retention in the body  and decreases the water retention hormone aldosterone.

Remain with a higher-than-usual sodium intake until one day before carbing up during the program (in step 7).

When you suddenly reduce your sodium intake at that time, and while aldosterone levels readjust, your body will excrete even more water  — most of it coming directly from beneath the skinOpens in a new Window.. This will lead to greater definition.
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Ivanko80 / Shutterstock
Increase Water Intake
When you increase sodium, it’s important to take in roughly 50% more water than usual. That is, every time you would normally have a cup of water, make it a cup and a half, so that by the end of the day, you’ve boosted your fluid intake by 50%.

Greater water intakeOpens in a new Window. sets up the body for greater definition at the end of the process.

Maintain this intake until you reach step 10.
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Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock
Days 1-2: Drop Carbs 50%
Here’s when the carb-cutting program really begins. Drop your carb consumption by 50%. This first drop will help prevent the shock of taking your carb count too low too quickly.

If you were previously eating approximately 1,500 calories from carbs per dayOpens in a new Window. (about normal for a 200-pound bodybuilder who consumes 3,000 calories a day for bodyweight maintenance), then cut your total carb intake to 200 grams (g) per day, focusing mostly on complex carbs, early in the day.

Still, for these two days, maintain your pre- and postworkout nutrition simple carbs at approximately 50 g, divided between those two meals.
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Days 1-5: Mildly Increase Protein
Some people go wrong at this step. When carbs drop, you must increase protein consumption to prevent muscleOpens in a new Window. breakdown.

However, if you increase your protein intakeOpens in a new Window. too much, a lot of that extra protein is burned as fuel, sparing the body from emptying its glycogen stores. Therefore, to experience the muscle-saving effect of extra protein without inhibiting the depletion of glycogen stores, elevate your protein intake only by about 50 g daily on each lower-carb day.

A 200-pound bodybuilder who normally eats a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day should consume about 250 g of protein  during this phase.
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Robert Niedring / Getty
Days 1-5: Train with High Reps
When depleting carbs for five days, you should train with higher repsOpens in a new Window. — 12-18 per set — and perform 50% more sets than normal.

For example, if you normally perform 10 sets for biceps, go to 15 total sets (50% more volume work) and aim for 12-18 reps per set. Of course, you’ll have to decrease the weight in order to hit that volume. However, the goal here is to lower carb reserves, and volume work is tremendously effective in doing so.

It all goes back to supercompensation. The more carbs you can deplete, the greater amount you can store during the carb-up process, leading to biggerand tighter-looking muscles.
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Dmitry Ageev / Getty
Days 3-5: Further Deplete Carbs
On these days, drop your carbohydrate intake to 100-150 g per day, emphasizing complexcarbohydrate sources, such as yams, oatmeal and brown rice. Take these in early in the day and target about .7 g of carbs per pound of bodyweight (a 200-pound bodybuilder should take in about 140 g of carbs daily).

When carbohydrates drop, reserves of glycogen stored in muscles begin to declineOpens in a new Window.. As glycogen levels decrease, the body begins to pump up its production of glycogen-storing enzymes. When you later pack in greater quantities of carbs, those carbstoring enzymes will help pack away these additional carbs as new glycogen, yielding fuller looking muscles.
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Jose Luis Agudo / EyeEm / Getty
Days 5-7: Reduce Sodium
The day before adding carbs back, drop the additional saltOpens in a new Window. you’ve been putting on your food. When sodium levels decline, you’ll experience changes in aldosterone that favor water  excretion and a tighter look.

You needn’t zero out your sodium intake. Cutting all the extra sodium should be enough of a drop.
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Days 6-7: Carb Up
Now the fun begins. After five days of depleting carbs, along with performing volume work, your muscles will be tremendously lowin fuel, screaming to be replenished.

When you switch to a high-carb intake, much of what you consume will be directly stored in your muscles.

I suggest eating 3 g of carbs per pound of bodyweight daily, minimum, and up to 5 g per pound for those with a faster metabolism or those who weigh more than 220 pounds.

Avoid using fruit and sucrosOpens in a new Window.e (table sugar) or high-fructose corn syrup. Starchy complex-carb sources are ideal, and good choices include potatoes, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, pasta, white rice and brown rice.
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LightField Studios / Shutterstock
Days 6-7: Reduce Protein Consumption
When you’re carbing up, you can drop the added protein of step 4. This follows the simple edict that carbs and protein work like a seesaw.

When carbs drop, you have to eat more proteinOpens in a new Window.; when carbs dramatically increase, you don’t need the added protein.

Take in just a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight on each of these days.
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Days 6-7: Reduce Water Intake
In step 2, you increased water intake. Now, reduce it to 50% what you would normally have on any given day prior to step 2. If, for example, you would usually drink a gallon of water, reduce that to half a gallonOpens in a new Window..

Since carbohydrates require water to make new muscleOpens in a new Window. glycogen, many people assume that they have to drink like a thirsty camel to make glycogen. Not so, because in the face of restricted water and increased carbs, muscles make up for the water shortfall by dragging some from under the skin into the muscles.

The result is less subcutaneous water retention and a harder-looking physique.
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stockfour / Shutterstock
Days 6-7: Take it Easy and Don’t Train
As a rule of thumb, when carbing up, it’s best not to train, as that siphons off some of the incoming carbohydrates, preventing an optimal carb-up and fuller muscles. This might be why many bodybuilders appear fuller a few days after a competition. The days off allow for optimal compensation of carbohydrates. In fact, avoid energy expenditure as much as possible to allow your muscles to fill up.
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Alfa Photostudio / Shutterstock
Day 7: Pump Up and Take Pictures
Pump up your muscles a bit right before you step onstage, do a photo shoot or strip off your shirt to impress people. Use light weightsOpens in a new Window. (or isometric movements) and go through a full range of motion, feeling the stretch, contraction and pump. Keep reps low — you don’t want to burn up carbs.

On this day, you may be in the best condition of your life. Have someone take pictures of you to capture the moment and to use as a record of comparison for the next time you carb deplete and carb load. Photographically documenting your condition and muscleOpens in a new Window. mass is a great way to determine that you are continuing to progress as a bodybuilder.
How Many Carbs Should I Eat to Lose Fat and Build Muscle? Fitness calculation:

Fitness calculation

To determine how many carbs you should consume each day, you first have to calculate how many calories you need in a day. There are different prediction equations that professionals use, and Nikki recommended the Harris-Benedict equation to determine daily caloric intake. If math isn't your forte, you can also use an online Harris-Benedict equation calculator.

Female: [655.1 + 9.6(weight in kilograms) + 1.9(height in centimeters) - 4.7(age in years)] x activity factor
Male: [66.5 + 13.8(weight in kilograms) + 5(height in centimeters) - 6.8(age in years)] x activity factor
For activity factor, choose one of the following:

Sedentary/little to no exercise: 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise or sports one to three days a week): 1.375
Moderately active (moderate exercise or sports six to seven days a week): 1.55
Very active (intense exercise every day or exercising two times a day): 1.725
For example, a 30-year-old woman who is 5'4" (162.5 cm) and weighs 145 pounds (65.9 kg) who is lightly active would use this calculation:

655.1 + 9.6(65.9) + 1.9(162.5) - 4.7(30) x 1.375 = 2,001 calories (this number was rounded)

Because the goal is to lose weight/fat, Nikki said to reduce the original figure by 500 calories. To lose fat and build muscle, this woman should consume 1,501 calories a day. This number will help you determine how many calories you should consume from each macronutrient.

According to Nikki, 50 percent of your macronutrient profile should come from carbohydrates like complex grains and starchy vegetables such as lentils and potatoes. Using the example above, this woman would need 188 grams of carbs a day, or 47 grams per meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a post-workout drink.

To lose fat and build muscle, 25 percent of your daily caloric intake should come from lean protein sources. This is 94 grams of protein a day, or 23.5 grams per meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a post-workout drink). The final 25 percent of your daily caloric intake should come from fats, Nikki said. Based on the example, this woman would need 42 grams of fat a day or 10.5 grams per meal.

Because your macronutrient profile will change based on your goals, Nikki recommends reassessing your goals every couple of months to align your energy needs (aka caloric needs) to your goals. "This takes time as well so I encourage people to find their nearest registered dietitian for help," she said.

Fat loss formula:

Formula of weight loss is Calories intake must  less than calories burn.
Formula of maintaining body weight is Calories intake must be equal than calories burn.

how much protein, carbs and fat do you need per day to build muscles, and lose weight

As the number of calories burned during exercise will vary dependent upon the exercise intensity and duration, engaging in exercise alone without decreasing caloric intake may not be sufficient to achieve a constant negative energy balance and thus significant weight loss.

Just as importantly, after the first week this weight loss was almost exclusively in the form of fat. The exercise stimulus prevents the muscle loss typically associated with diet alone, also preventing the drop in resting metabolic rate.

Full body Exercises at home.

No pain no gain: muscle Broke down is much needed to grow Muscle.

why Supplement is necessary.
Why drugs are harmful at the early stages.
সাইকেল দৌড় প্রতিযোগিতায় সময় যদি প্রথমে আপনি প্রথম  গিয়ার ব্যবহার করেন তাহলে আপনি কখনো এই দৌড় প্রতিযোগিতায় জয়ী হতে পারবে না। আপনাকে ফিনিশিং লাইন এর আগে প্রথম গিয়ার  ব্যবহার করতে হবে।

Most Effective fat Burner:
L- Carnitine, 
Carni-Q 500mg (Chemist
Pre- workout supplement:
ARG 9 (10×5 g)
Proalxthocyandin (Chemist)

BMR= Basic Matabolic Rate.

  1. Matabolic Rate  বৃদ্ধি জন্য খাবার খাওয়া ১ ঘন্টা ৩০ মিনিট পর পানি পান করুন। এর ফলে শরীরের চর্বি জমা বন্ধ হবে।
  2. সব ধরনের খাবার গরম করে বা গরম অবস্থায় খেতে হবে।
  3. খাবার খাওয়া পর  সাথে সাথেই গোসল না করা। কম পক্ষে ১ ঘন্টা ৩০ মিনিট পর গোসল করতে হবে।

Two type of Cardio:
1. HIIT Cardio. (Who have more than 15% body fat. And who have no time for Exercises.)
2. Steady State Cardio.( Who have less than 15% body fat)

Training program for bodybuilder: 

  1. Example: FST 7, 
  2. German volume training, 
  3. Y3T training, 
  4. High intensity training, 

Advanced techniques:

  1. super set, 
  2. Drop set, 
  3. Giant set, 
  4. partial reps. 
  5. Forced Raps, and
  6. Negative Raps.

  • Mind and muscle connection.
  • Balance diet and nutrition.
  • Proper rest.
  • 150 minutes cardio a week.
  •  7 or 8 hour's deep sleep.
  •  Morning empty stomach cardio and After Exercise 10 to 30 minutes Cardio burn more fats.

keto diet.
4 or 6 litre water.
All kinds of oils, sugar and salt are enemy of you body.

According to the muscle full effect, there is a limit to how much protein my muscle can use and the limit for most people tends to be no more than about 1.6 grams per kilo per day.
 For example, My weigh about 60 kilos.  I need, multiply 60 kilos by 1.6 and I come up with 96 grams of protein per day.
So My body can use 96 grams of protein in a day. I will eat to consume that much protein.
The best time to get your protein is in steady doses for about 24 hours after a hard workout.
Now that doesn't mean that I have to get off the weight bench and
sprint to the fridge to gobble up the chicken beef or tofu.
My body can't store the protein.
So after a hard workout, to aid muscle protein synthesis, I want to be taking doses at regular intervals for about 24 hours every 4 hours.
it all adds up to about one point six grams per kilo per day.

A protein meal plan that shows what foods I will eat to consume that much protein.
As I need only 96 grams of protein per day.
So I eat four Whole eggs, Milk, Oats, Fish, Chicken Breast.
That means I consume  24  grams of protein by eating four eggs.
Egg Protein content: 35% of calories in a whole egg. 1 large egg has 6 grams of protein, with 78 calories.
I eat 1 cup of whole milk. That means I consume  8  grams of protein by drinking milk.
Milk Protein content: 21% of calories. 1 cup of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein, with 149 calories.
I eat Half a cup of raw oats. That means I consume  13  grams of protein by eating Half a cup of raw oats.
Oats Protein content: 15% of calories. Half a cup of raw oats has 13 grams, with 303 calories.
I eat 1 roasted chicken breast. That means I consume  53  grams of protein by eating Chicken breast.
Chicken breast Protein content: 80% of calories. 1 roasted chicken breast without skin contains 53 grams, with only 284 calories.

24+ 8+13+53=98 grams.
I need 96 grams of protein per day.

I will consume 98 grams of protein per day.  By applying my  protein meal plan.

Writer: Jubair Mahmud.

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