
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Inner happiness

Please do not take this article seriously. It is just my thoughts.
The key to your happiness should not be given to another person. It is true. 
But it is not 100% true.
it is not deep wisdom. The deep wisdom on this topic is;
Your are math’s student so I am going to give you an example related to math’s.
Please do Assume, Each person happiness is 100%. Ok
Now please divided 100 in  3 part.
Each part get 33.33 ok.
1. 33.33 happiness should depends on yourself.
2. 33.33 happiness should depends from you life partner.
3. 33.33 happiness should depends from your parents and siblings.

And Please do again Assume, happiness pass number is 33.33.
You know. 
If you are fully depends of your happiness on yourself. Then you get easily pass number.
My question is,  Are you happy to get only pass number 33.33 out of 100.
I am 100% sure. You want to more numbers at least 80 numbers out of 100.

Generally few type of questions have in Exams.
MCQ questions you can easily get full Numbers.
And few questions have. There have probability to get full numbers.
On the other side theory  questions numbers depends on your way of attend answer.

You inner depends happiness and you life partner happiness both number is 66.66 numbers which has probability to get easily 66.66 numbers out of 66.66 numbers. 
If you will get  married the right person which is selected by supreme soul. You will get easily 66.66 numbers out of 66.66 numbers. 
But happiness which is dependent on parents and siblings will have not got probability full number. Because They have life. They have life partner. I know you will be more happiness when you see your parents love more each other and doing romantic.

It’s is natural rules. For this reason, Supreme Soul have made life partner for each person. So that Each person easily get 90 numbers out of 100 numbers of happiness.

I am the king of my mind in terms of eternal happiness.  If there is no queen in the life of every king.  Then the beauty of that king's kingdom will not be revealed.  

In the same way that the kingdom is ruled only by the queen.  
And if that queen has no king.  Then the fragrance of flowers in the garden in the kingdom of that queen.  
This does not spread beyond the kingdom of the queen.

 “Calling God good names is the best medicine for  feeling well.”
Feeling loneliness in that age is a natural rules.
Feeling loneliness is good thing. Because If A person  has never  felt hungry. Is it good thing for him? No! 
Definitely it is not good for his health. 

Suppose, A person has taken medicine in a long time for not feeling  hungry. Is it good thing for his health? No! 
In the same way, Few person do a lot of wonderful things for not feeling  loneliness.
Yes, It is help for them a short period of time. But It may be harmful for longer periods of time.  Because taking medicine for not  feeling  hungry. It might be helpful for short  period of time. But If A person has taken medicine in a long time for not feeling  hungry.  You know the results.
Doing many things for not feeling loneliness in a long time. It is not good for health.

Feeling loneliness is the signal of  soul that It is the best time to  live your life with your life partner.

There are a few people in the world who spends their whole life live Alone.
Because This types of people  become happy  only 33.33 numbers of happiness  out of 100 numbers of happiness. They think  their deserved it.
But I think  I deserve to get at least 80 numbers of happiness  out of 100 numbers of happiness. 
“If  A person is  deserved for the best things  will get the best things.”
As For Example: If A woman decided that she will be live her whole life Alone.
She will become happy only getting 33.33 numbers out of 100 numbers of happiness. 
Do you know an unmarried woman have to face many  health issue?
Healthy life always have depended on the happiness in life.
If A person feel sad for a few days, month and years. He will has to face many health issue in future. It is one of the natural rules.

Writer: Jubair Mahmud.

My natural talent

I think you want to know why I chose law profession. Friendly speaking I didn’t like law profession. Before 12 exam. I didn’t know in future what type of professional will be best for me. So I do some type of meditation. Actually it was not a meditation. It was one type of calling God best names. It was a such type. I present I do not exactly remember what I did. I just share with you what I remember. I had to do 20 days fasting. So I choose the holy month Ramadan. So I got easily 20th days. Than I had done a special meditation in morning. 
After 20 days. I don’t remember when my dream have built to become a lawyer. After few days later I discovered myself. I have natural talent to become a best lawyer. 
Do you know what is my natural talent. You have already seen it.
You see a lot of lawyer in India. Only few lawyer are famous. Most of the lawyer have never become successful. Do you know why? There are all have same degree. But only few lawyer are famous.
Today I have given you my Experience that reason.
As for Example: When I was in the university. I did hide my natural talent. I showed my natural talent in my University only 10 to 20 percentage. Do you know what I got feed back. My University have few courses. One of the best course is Advocate workshop. Advocate workshop is like a real court work. Teacher teach us how to work in a really court. We had to work like a Advocate. Ok.
You see movie in court room like Joly LLB. There are separated type of work in court. One of most honorable work is Cross examination of witness and Argument. One of the best lawyer do such kind of work. India, Bangladesh and Pakistan  have only a few lawyer who do the work properly. 
When I did participate the workshop. After completing the workshop. A person who is one of the  judge in the Court. She said me you  do great job. I laughed to myself to say myself I just gave my 20 %.
And most of my friends and senior brother directly and indirectly says the same thing. 
You can say that I don’t believe your Natural talent. Give me an evidence. Ok see my previous write you have got idea of my natural talent. 
Do you think most of the people can write like me? No. Only few people have such kind of nature talent to explain anything simply.
I have all  natural talent  which is necessary to become the best lawyer. 
I discovered my hiding talent. All people in the world has some talent. Most of the people have never try to find out there natural talent. So they are not successful in there life.
Only few people who search their natural talent. And do according their talent. After that all talented people don’t get become successful because they don’t do smart work which is necessary.
As for Example: you get a piece of raw diamond. If you do wash it properly then you may get proper price of the diamond.
At the same thing was happen with talented people. Few talented people do not Wash his diamond. So they don’t get proper price of their diamond. Some talented people sell their raw diamond. They are similar with a person who has a Duck.  Ducks with golden eggs.  The fool person killed his golden duck to get all the golden eggs at once.  Later he became a stupid.
Almost all judge are so intelligent like your. 
All judge want the best Explanation in any particular case.  
Generally lawyer have given their Explanation in two way. Firstly writing documents. Secondly by through Argument.
You are already see my Explanation ability thought my all articles.
I think you see my talents. Now what’s you say. Do I have a ability to giving the best Explanation before the court.
I think you got your answer why I chose the lawyer profession.
An Advocate lawyer have no retired dates If I live in eighty years old. Inshallah. In those ages I can do my work.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Person pray; Gift of God

A person pray for a thing from Supreme soul. The person is so busy in her work. The person has no time to think about the thing.
 So,  At first, God do stopped the person work so that she Can recognize the thing that God gives her. As God knows the best which thing is the best for her. 
Supreme soul give her the best thing according his wisdom.
When The person see the thing. The person doesn't like the thing which is chosen by supreme soul.
Then The person again pray to God. please Supreme soul give me any other thing. Because I don't liked your like. 
As God is so kind so that God gives her any other thing. The person become happy to see the new thing. 
The interesting thing is that The person become happy to see the second best thing. 
She chooses the second best thing. She  rejected  the first best thing which is first chosen by Supreme Soul. 

The person choose the second thing because she has less knowledge than Supreme Soul.
Because God always give the people the best thing. If the people rejected the best thing. Then God give her the second best. Less Wise man always like the second best thing. 
As The person has chosen the second best which is given by God. Because The first thing which is given by God was rejected by her. Because she has lack of knowledge.
The Second best Objects always is her wish not supreme soul wish.
Supreme Soul knows better than us. Which is the best for us.

Friday, May 1, 2020

আমার শিশু কাল

আমার ছোট বোন। আমার থেকে এক বছরের ছোট। সে ১৯৯২ সালে জুন মাসে হয়েছে। আমি যখন এক বছরের কম বয়সের শিশু ছিলাম। তখন  ডাক্তার আমার মাকে পরামর্শ দেয়। তোমার শিশুকে বাহির খাবার খাওয়ানো অভ্যাস করো। কারণ আম্মা আবার মা হবেন। তিনি আমাকে খাবার খাওয়াতে অক্ষম হয়ে গিয়েছিলেন।  আম্মা আমাকে গ্লাস দিয়ে আমার  খাবার খাওয়াতে। মাত্র কিছু সেকেন্ড মধ্যে আমি আমার খাওয়া খেয়ে ফেলতাম। আমি আমার আম্মাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলাম কেন তিনি আমাকে, এত ছোট বেলায় গ্লাসে দিয়ে  খাবার খাওয়াতেন? তিনি আমাকে বললেন, আমাকে তিনি প্রথমে চামুচ দিয়ে  খাওয়াতে। তিনি লক্ষ্য করলেন, চামুচ দিয়ে কিছু সেকেন্ড পর পর খাবার খাওয়া আমার জন্য বিরক্ত কর ছিল। তাই তিনি  গ্লাস দিয়ে আমাকে খাওয়ানো শুরু করলেন। তিনি লক্ষ্য করলেন আমি গ্লাস দিয়ে খাবার খাওয়া উপভোগ করছি। কয়েক সেকেন্ড মধ্যে আমি আমার সম্পূর্ণ খাবার খেয়ে  ফেললাম।  তাই তিনি আমাকে গ্লাস দিয়ে খাবার খাওয়াতেন।  আমার মা আমাকে বললেন, আমি শিশু কালে রাতে তাড়াতাড়ি ঘুমিয়ে যেতাম। এবং সকাল সকাল ঘুম থেকে উঠে পরতাম। আমি আমার আম্মা আব্বার রাতের ঘুম নষ্ট করি নেই। যে শিশু অবুঝ থাকা অবস্থায় তার মাতা পিতার কষ্টের কারণ হয় নেই। সে কি তার জীবন সঙ্গী কষ্টের কারণ হতে পারে।

জমি জমা

 = ''খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''সি এস খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''এস এ খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''আর এস খতিয়ান...