
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day by Day; Day time is being shorter than before:

If you are moving around a point.  Then it will determine how long you need to move around at this point.  How far you are from a center.  If you rotate too far from a center point.  Then it will take you a long time to turn this center point around.  
If you rotate near from a center point.
 Then you need less time to turn around this center point.

 In the same way, the earth revolves around the sun.
 Day by day, the world is getting closer to the sun.  This means that 
The Earth is taking less time to rotate around the sun once.
As a result, the volume of days, months and years is gradually decreasing.  As a result, days, months, and years are going faster   than before.
 In the future time will go more faster than before.
 It seems to us that day by day, time is running faster   than before.

There is no need to prove this thing because the sun sunrise on the East.  And sunset  on the west side.  It is such an everlasting truth because we are watching it. It's same  Like that We feel time is going faster than before.

উদাহরন:। মনে করেন,  পৃথিবী একটি প্রাণী। একটি প্রাণী যেমন করে ছোট থেকে বড় হয় অর্থাৎ যুবক হয় এবং একসময় এই প্রাণীটি বৃদ্ধ হয়। প্রাণীটি বৃদ্ধ হওয়ার কারণে  প্রাণীটি চলাচলের গতি কমে গেছে। তাই এই প্রাণীটি চলাচলে জন্য শর্টকাট রাস্তা ব্যবহার করছে।
ঠিক একই ভাবে মনে করেন পৃথিবী একসময় যুবক ছিল। এখন বৃদ্ধ হয়ে গেছে।
পৃথিবীর আস্তে আস্তে সূর্যের চারপাশে ঘুরছে। আবার মনে করেন 
পৃথিবী নামক প্রাণীতি অনেক বুদ্ধিমান। পৃথিবী নামক প্রাণীতি সময় বাঁচানোর জন্য সূর্যের কাছে চলে যাচ্ছে। সেহেতু পৃথিবী নামক প্রাণীতি বৃদ্ধ হয়ে গেছে। তাই  সে আগের মতো গতিতে চলতে পারে না।
তাই সে  সূর্যকে  নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে প্রদক্ষিণ করা জন্য সূর্যের কাছে যাচ্ছে। 
আবার মনে করেন, একজন বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তি বৃদ্ধ হওয়ার কারণে তার গতি ধীরে ধীরে  কমতে থাকে। কিন্তু জায়গা আয়াত তো আর কম হয় না এর ফলে এক সময় এই বৃদ্ধ তার নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে নির্দিষ্ট কাজ করতে পারে না। 

 "All praise is due to Allah because He is the source of all knowledge."
 Author: Jubair Mahmud. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

দলিলে ব্যবহৃত কিছু সংক্ষিপ্ত শব্দের পূর্ণরূপ

দলিলে ব্যবহৃত কিছু সংক্ষিপ্ত শব্দের পূর্ণরূপঃ
◉ পিং → পিতা
◉ জং → স্বামী
◉ গং → সকল
◉ সাং → ঠিকানা
◉ দং → দখল
◉ এজমালি → যৌথমালিকানা
◉ জঃ → জমা
◉ কিঃ → কিস্তি
◉ ছানি → পুর্ন-বিবেচনার জন্য প্রার্থনা
◉ ছোলেনামা→ আপোষ
◉ কিত্তা → জমির অংশ
◉ তমঃ → তসমুক ( বন্ধকনামা)
◉ বিতং → বিস্তারিত
◉ চৌঃ → চারদিকের সীমানা
◉ খারিজ → বাতিল

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Keep Secret exercise

I am a Lawyer, so I love to illustrate,
 The example is.
 There are only three books on such a topic.
 You know most about the subject on which the book is written.  I know a little less about this subject.

 You advise me to read the book;
 But sadly, most of the book is not currently available to you.
 You just told me the name of the book. I started reading books on this topic.  I fell in love with this book by reading the book.  But in reality the book is the second most popular book.

 Until I read the best book in the world, I think the 2nd book in the world would be the best book in the world.

 All  wise men say, Always read the best book first.
 When you will do weight training, you can keep up with the results for a long time.
 But as a result of functional training you will lose some days of exercise.
 Kung Fu has a thing.  When a teacher teaches his student something, it is a natural rule to keep some things secret.  But in the present age, there is a chance that if a teacher keeps you secret, you can learn from other people.  Because other people will keep something else secret.  And tell you the secret of the teacher.  Because other people won't know what you don't know.  This is how a person who knows about something from different people knows the most.
 Researchers use this mysterious technique.
 Researchers will find that information is collected from different people about a topic. If one person keeps any information secret, then other people should reveal it.
 Weight training and cardio exercises will build your brain muscles.
 But functional training will not build your brain muscles.
  I wrote this explanation in the previous article.

 When people want to save money.  People will see
  A bank which will pay him more interest in the future.
 Weight training will benefit you most in old age.  If your youth uses energy the right way, it will benefit the elderly in the same way.
 Weight training will increase the afterburn effect.  When you do not exercise two or one day.  Then you get almost the same results as you exercise.
 If you stop exercising for some reason, weight training will not stop giving you results.
 Bodybuilder who does weight training and cardio exercise.
weight training; The main goal is to exercise to make the body more beautiful.
 And as age increases, muscle lose begins.
 weight training prevents muscles lose.
Functional Training have not prevents muscles lose.

 What is Functional Training?
 “Functional training is a classification exercise that involves training the body for activities performed in daily life.”
 Functional training will not help you in the future.  But weight training will help you in the present and the future.
Functional training; The main goal is to exercise to keep the body fit for activities performed in daily life.

Writer: Jubair Mahmud.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Brain building intellectuals:

Brain building intellectuals:
 Many of us have heard of bodybuilding but we have never heard of the Brain Building.  Bodybuilding is about growing and building muscle in the body.  And the building of the brain is the growth of the brain muscle and the structure of the brain.
 Our body has three types of  muscles.
 1.  Our heart is a kind of independent  muscle.
 2.  Another type of meat muscle that is present in or near the bone of our body.
 3.  The third type of  muscle is that of the  muscle that is not attached to our heart and bone or that is located away from the bone.  Such as: brain, lungs, kidneys etc.
 Brain building is the brain muscle for muscle growth and structure.  A wise man in general does a brain building.
 Brain building exercises are;  Gain knowledge  There can be various ways to gain knowledge.
 There can be various ways to gain knowledge.  For example: reading books, meditating, watching movies,  Weight Training and cardio exercises.
 Through two types of physical exercise.  For example: Exercise of the heart eg: Exercise that increases the heart rate.  This is called heart exercise. It also called cardio exercises. As for Example: Running or Jump rope. [Morning or after Weight Training]

 And by exercising, the muscles of the meat get stronger and grow.  This is called strong muscular exercise. It also called Weight Training.
 By doing these two types of exercises, the third class of muscles, Brain, lungs, kidneys, etc. are automatically strengthened and structured beautifully.
Because the third class of muscles have not have any particular exercises.
 A bodybuilder who has to exercise almost every day to make his  muscles look nice and big.
Don't worry woman muscles will not increase because of woman hormone. woman muscles will more Strong and look beautiful.

 In the same way that a brain building means that an intelligent person has to learn something new every day for his brain building.  We call them intellectuals who are brain-building in this world.
Weight Training and after finishing Weight Training immediately do cardio exercises. It is also building our brain.
It’s called brain building.
 "All praise is due to supreme God because He is the Source of all knowledge"
 Author: Jubair Mahmud.

জমি জমা

 = ''খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''সি এস খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''এস এ খতিয়ান'' কি? = ''আর এস খতিয়ান...