
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Weight lost

Assignment Submission Give your project a descriptive title Submission Reflect on your food environment, behaviors/ habits, and your goals
Assignment Submission on My food environment, behaviors/ habits, and my goals;

and answer the following in your submission. Feel free to refer to this week's section of the workbook to help complete this assignment.
1. What behaviors or habits will be hurdles to achieving your goal for this new plan, and what steps will you take to address them?
2. List three changes to your dietary pattern that include high-quality sources of macronutrients What snacks do you plan to stock in your microenvironment to increase the quality of food you have available for "in-a-rush" moments?
3. Describe the biggest changes to your lifestyle that this plan will have and
4. write at least two positive affirmations about these changes to your lifestyle.
After posting your submission, please review at least two of your fellow peers' submissions.

Question 1: What behaviors or habits will be hurdles to achieving your goal for this new plan, and what steps will you take to address them?
My dietary used to pattern by choosing high-quality sources of macronutrients.
My present behaviors that may affect my set point, such as sleep, exercise, or stress.
I will Change  dietary pattern by choosing high-quality sources of macronutrients.
Swap refined processed carbohydrates (bread, pasta, muffins, desserts) with fiber-rich sources (fruit, vegetables, whole grains)
Swap animal sources of fat (meat, chicken, cheese, butter) with plant sources (avocados, nuts, seeds)

I will Changing my behaviors that may affect your set point, such as sleep, exercise, or stress. I will know which one unlocks my set point when my weight comes off & stays off with less effort.
After changing quality, experiment with each macronutrient's quantity If i am not noticing weight loss, try combining changes in your diet & behaviors. This may overcome overlapping ways my  body compensates in response to weight loss.

Question 2: List three changes to your dietary pattern that include high-quality sources of macronutrients.
i. Exchange process carbohydrates for carbohydrates naturally high in fiber found in nature's packaging fruits, vegetables, and whole grains like, rolled oats, wheat berry, barley, and key moi.
ii. Swapping animal fat for plant-based fat.  Swapping out animal fat for healthier plant-based sources like, avocados, nuts, and seeds can help lower your set point.
iii. Keep in mind that although some oils are healthier than others olive oil for example, over butter, all oils should be used sparingly.

Question 3: What snacks do you plan to stock in your microenvironment to increase the quality of food you have available for "in-a-rush" moments?

My plan to stock in my microenvironment pantry or office could be nuts, seeds, dried fruit, peanut butter, other nut butters or plain popcorn for my Snacks.

Question 4: Describe the biggest changes to your lifestyle that this plan will have and

i. Step one is meal planning:
When I meal plan, i select dinners and recipes, shop for ingredients, and prep ahead of time, for example, by chopping vegetables for the whole week.
Even if it's done one day rather than a week at a time, meal planning is a vital part of changing my dietary habits.

ii. The second step is creating a healthy food microenvironment:
Your food microenvironment includes all the places where you consume my meals and snacks, including at home, work, or on the go.
While changing our food culture, we require a united effort by public health officials, policymakers, businesses, and consumers.
The path of least resistance will then work in my favor.
Every food swap will be a small victory that shifts my momentum towards consistently choosing healthier foods.

iii. The third and final step is building surroundings that support healthy habits:
Our environment influences not only our food choices but all our habits and decisions.
Our Western culture tends to be what researchers referred to as obesogenic, with automation and technology nudging us towards being more sedentary, sleep deprived, and stressed.
In this final step, I want you to challenge yourself, to design not just my food microenvironment, but to think more broadly about my surroundings.

Question 5: write at least two positive affirmations about these changes to your lifestyle.
i. If I intend to drink more water. I keep a water bottle with myself.
ii. I Lay out exercise clothes and shoes the night before if i want to start the day with a workout.
iii. To improve my sleep, I set a bedtime and keep my bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
iv. If my goal is to walk more, I live in a walkable community or use public transportation.
v. I start my day with a five minute meditation or keep a gratitude journal within reach for reducing stress,
These are just some of the ways I can design my environment to default into healthy habits.

Assignment Submission:
 Monitor your habits for a day or two (pay attention to how you make choices related to food, sleep, and physical activity).
Consider how the different environments you're in throughout the day and other various external cues might help trigger these habits, and provide the following in your assignment submission.
Feel free to refer to this week's section of the workbook to help complete this assignment.
1. List at least two of your current habits that are not contributing to healthy choices.
2. What factors do you believe are creating these habits?
3. Describe two new habits you would like to form in response to a daily cue, such as being tired, hungry, or stressed .
4. Explain how you plan to redesign your environment to make your new healthy habits the easiest and most convenient.
5. Select one day to practice mindful eating.
6. List at least two tips you practiced to eat mindfully.
7. What differences did you notice after each of your meals?

After posting your submission, please review at least two of your peers' submissions.
Assignment Submission on
I do Monitor my  habits for a day.
Question 1: List at least two of your current habits that are not contributing to healthy choices.

i. I make most of our food choices without thought.
ii. I don't use mental energy to apply the information we know about healthy choices.

Question 2: What factors do you believe are creating these habits?

I believe Become aware and disrupt the association between the cue & a habit creating new habits.
Create an association with something i do every day And the new habit i want to build.
Lather, rinse, repeat to reinforce this new association daily.

Question 3: Describe two new habits you would like to form in response to a daily cue, such as being tired, hungry, or stressed .

i. I have tuned in to the habits that i would like to change, think about and disrupt the situation or pattern that triggers them.
For example, if i would like to avoid junk food when you're stressed, what are other ways i can manage stress?
ii. I am creating and reinforcing a desired habit.
For example, if i want to associate my morning cup of coffee with reaching for fruit or oatmeal, plan ahead to make those options readily available.
Then each morning when i sit down for coffee, sit down with my fruit and oatmeal.
Lather, rinse, repeat in the same context until i practice becomes automatic.

Question 4: Explain how you plan to redesign your environment to make your new healthy habits the easiest and most convenient.
I am re-engineering my environment to default to better choices. Doing so can be challenging when so many messages and convenient choices steer my towards unhealthy choices.
But if i take some time to investigate and plan, i can have healthy standby options that my brain can default to when it's preoccupied, tired or stressed.

Question 5: List at least two tips you practiced to eat mindfully.
i. I Eat slowly and don't rush my meals.
ii. I Chew food carefully.
iii. I take Savor the texture, flavor and taste of my food.
iv. I Don't multitask while I am eating.
v. I Avoid distractions as much as possible.
vi. I Tune into my sense of hunger and fullness.
Finally, recognize but don't judge emotions i associate with food.

Question 6: What differences did you notice after each of your meals?
i. I feel full faster.
ii. I feel satisfied after meals.
iii. I taste food differently.

Assignment Submission Submission Review the physiology behind weight set point, hormones, and সহ্য করার ক্ষমতা resistance to weight loss and respond to the following items in your submission.

 free to refer to this week's section of the workbook to help complete this assignment.
 Explain why restricting calories is not beneficial for long-term weight loss and describe what happens to an individual with obesity who only follows a calorie-restriction diet (hint: think about the body's set point)
 How does your "emotional brain" affect appetite?
 Discuss how hormones affect hunger and also influence eating behavior.
List at least two ways genetics can influence appetite and energy control systems After posting your submission, please review at least two of your fellow peers' submissions. SAVE DRAFT SUBMIT
 Explain why restricting calories is not beneficial for long-term weight loss and describe what happens to an individual with obesity who only follows a calorie-restriction diet (hint: think about the body's set point)
Restricting calories is not beneficial for long-term weight loss because  weight-loss solution beyond simply restricting calories,blaming different macro nutrients, focusing on individual willpower, and stigmatizing  obesity.
When an individual with obesity  only follows a calorie-restriction diet.
He may be loss some weight for a few months. At the same time he will also loss his metabolism rate. When his metabolism rate will be low in such cases his body will start to gain the weight according to his body's set point.
Assignment Submission on The physiology behind weight set point, hormones, and  resistance to weight loss and respond.
How does your "emotional brain" affect appetite?
Discuss how hormones affect hunger and also influence eating behavior.

Emotional brain responds to pleasure from foods that raise dopamine. Namely, fat, sugar, and salt.

Receptors sense the quantity and quality of food in our gut and communicate that information via nerves and appetite hormones to the brain.
In response our hindbrain determines when we should start eating and when we are full.

 Assignment Submission : Consider your current sleep, exercise, and stress habits, and provide the following in your assignment submission.
Feel free to refer to this week's section of the workbook to help complete this assignment.
1. ldentify two reasons why stress can influence weight gain.
2. Briefly discuss how you believe stress may have negatively impacted your relationship with food.
3. Describe two stress resilience techniques you plan to try that can help manage the stress you encounter often.
4. Propose three ways you can incorporate more physical activity (aerobic or strength resistance) into your week
5. List all the factors that may be interfering with your sleep goals.
6. Select two changes you plan to incorporate to improve the quality and/or quantity of sleep you achieve.
After posting your submission, please review at least two of your peers' submissions
I Consider  current sleep, exercise, and stress habits, and provide the following in my assignment submission.
Question 1: ldentify two reasons why stress can influence weight gain.
i. Stress drives us to eat comfort food to soothe negative feelings & chemically dial down our stress response.
ii. Stress hormones lead to an accumulation of belly fat – which releases chemicals that cause inflammation & insulin resistance, leading to further weight.

Question 2: Briefly discuss how you believe stress may have negatively impacted your relationship with food.
Formula of weight loss is Calories intake must  less than calories burn.
Formula of maintaining body weight is Calories intake must be equal than calories burn.

Stress management: The brain releases hormones via the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal pathway Under stress.
This pathway causes adrenal glands to release cortisol.  The Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone.
Cortisol tells our body to fuel up for a challenge, to prepare to fight or flee in case we encounter a bear.
It drives us towards seeking quick energy carbs and calorie dense foods, but there's no bear or need to escape in our modern world.

Instead, we pack on the unused calories. High fat and high sugar foods also dampen our stress response.
Dopamine released from eating these foods happens to be a stress recovery chemical.

Question 3: Describe two stress resilience techniques you plan to try that can help manage the stress you encounter often.
i. Optimism: Negative thoughts are a barrier to achieving any goal. Transforming negative self-talk into positive affirmations can empower & give you confidence to overcome challenges. By paying attention to & transforming your response to adversity, you can perceive stress positively.
ii. Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude is the practice of focusing on what you have rather than what is missing in your life. The weekly habit of writing what you are grateful for in a journal is another way of reducing your stress level.

Question 4: Propose three ways you can incorporate more physical activity (aerobic or strength resistance) into your week .
I can incorporate more physical activity by Trying to build more activity into my day.
i. A few minutes walking in a parking lot,
ii. some more taking the stairs or walking around your block, until you reach 30 minutes a day.
iii. Try to stand out more often.
iv. During conference calls, by having walking meetings,
v. walking over rather than emailing a colleague, or using a standing treadmill desk.

Question 5: List all the factors that may be interfering with your sleep goals.
i. Do not have a consistent bed & wake time.
ii. Use bed other than for sleep & sex.
iii. Stay in bed if can't sleep > 20 minutes.
i. Consume late day caffeine & excess alcohol
ii. Lack of exercise
iii. Use of elec. devices within 30 min. of bedtime
Sleep Environment
i. Bedroom is not quiet, dark, & cool
ii. TV & pets in bedroom
iii. Cell phone in bedroom
Relaxation Techniques
i. Do NOT use any of the following:
ii. Meditation or relaxing music
iii. Guided imagery

Question 6: Select two changes you plan to incorporate to improve the quality and/or quantity of sleep you achieve.
The two charges that i  plan to incorporate to improve the quality and/or quantity of sleep you achieve is;
i. On average,  I do  sleep 7 to 9 hours of sleep per Night. And
ii. I do reduce my stress level for achieving quantity of sleep by doing Exercises.

 Peer Graded Assignment Managing Stress, Exercise, & Sleep Score 80% to pass Submit Now It's important to submit as soon as possible so your peers can review your work. If you submit too late, there will not be enough classmates around to review your work. Submit soon!
Instructions In this brief writing assignment,
you will reflect on your stress, exercise, and sleep habits.
You'll consider how stress management, physical activity, and quality of sleep influence your ability to start and maintain weight loss.
Review the submission details under the "My submission" tab. Review criteria GET STARTED

Question: you will reflect on your stress, exercise, and sleep habits.
You'll consider how stress management, physical activity, and quality of sleep influence your ability to start and maintain weight loss.

Formula of weight loss is Calories intake must  less than calories burn.
Formula of maintaining body weight is Calories intake must be equal than calories burn.

Stress management: The brain releases hormones via the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal pathway Under stress.
This pathway causes adrenal glands to release cortisol.  The Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone.
Cortisol tells our body to fuel up for a challenge, to prepare to fight or flee in case we encounter a bear.
It drives us towards seeking quick energy carbs and calorie dense foods, but there's no bear or need to escape in our modern world.

Instead, we pack on the unused calories. High fat and high sugar foods also dampen our stress response.
Dopamine released from eating these foods happens to be a stress recovery chemical.

The damaging effects of stress occur not from being exposed to stress, but in proportion to how we respond to stress.
There have many skills and tools for managing stress is an integral part of preventing and controlling weight over the long term.
1. Optimism: we can learn to perceive stressful situations in a productive way, as a challenge rather than a threat.
2. Gratitude: practicing being thankful for what you have by expressing thankfulness and appreciating the simple gifts in life or the beauty in nature can reduce your cortisol level.
3. Nurturing: supportive and trusting relationships.
Empathy and support causes to release the cuddle hormone, oxytocin, which dampens our stress response.
Finding a sense of purpose and meaning.
The important thing to remember is that managing weight involves far more than balancing calories.
You need to create a lifestyle that balances your hormones, which then naturally balances your weight.

Exercise & Physical Activity: Powering Your Metabolism:
Exercise burns calories at the same time Exercise can build muscle mass.
Since muscle burns three times more calories than fat.    More Exercise and more  Muscle can make more faster our metabolism.
Exercise balances many of our hormones and immune system regulators.
It can reduce cortisol as well as the harmful inflammation caused by stress.
When we do Exercise in this time our body release Myokines hormone. Myokines influence our metabolism as well as our heart, muscle, fat, brain, liver and other organs.
Released during exercise, this factor acts on the brain to generate new brain cells and build new pathways among existing ones.
It helps our mind function clearer and builds reserve against dementia.
Myokines hormone comes to fighting obesity, brain-derived neutrophic factor is a key influencer on the pathways that control our body weight and energy balance.
Many other myokines help burn fat and clear blood sugar from circulation.
Different types of muscle, fast-twitch or slow-twitch, release different sets of myokines.
Therefore, you need a mix of aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, dancing, or biking as well as strength resistance exercise such as lifting weights, yoga, or body resistance, to get all the health and metabolic benefits of exercise. “
The recommended amount is 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise, and twice a week of strength resistance exercise.
 light activities are burns a lot more calories per minute rather than exercise that we burn the most calories.
That's because even though exercise burns a lot more calories per minute, we typically only spend about 5 percent of our day exercising.
On the other hand, we spend nearly a third of our day doing light activities.
The calories burned during these everyday activities adds up to more than that from exercise.
Even if we don't like to exercise. We can move more  that can make a significant difference in our weight and overall health.

Sleep Deprivation & Appetite:
The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night.
When we get less than this. hormone changes occur that increase our susceptibility to obesity.
Sleeping less than seven hours a night, raises the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin.
It also lowers the amount of the satiety hormone leptin. As a result, our brains get the message that we are hungrier than we should be. we consume more calories than needed to compensate for the extra hours of being awake Without realizing it.
Just as under stress we crave quick energy carbs, with insufficient sleep, levels of insulin also increase after meals.
People with the lowest body mass index are the ones who get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Both the quantity as well as quality of sleep are essential.

I have tried to reflect on our stress, exercise, and sleep habits help for weight loss and maintain weight loss.
I have also tried to consider how stress management, physical activity, and quality of sleep influence our ability to start and maintain weight loss for giving my Answer.

Assignment Submission
Choose one day this week to track the foods you eat, and provide the following in your assignment submission.
Feel free to refer to this week's section of the workbook to help complete this assignment.
1. List the foods you consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks throughout the 24-hour period you selected.
2. Going through each item of food, which would be considered ultra-processed, minimally-processed, and whole foods?
3. Describe three characteristics of ultra-processed food that make it unhealthy for your body.
4. List three advantages of consuming high-quality carbs, fats, and proteins versus low-quality carbs, fats, and proteins
5. Select two foods you ate in your 24-hour period or that you consume frequently that are heavily processed.
6. Choose two new minimally- processed/whole foods items that you could easily substitute and want to try this week (e.g., swap french fries for roasted garlic and rosemary potatoes)
After posting your submission, please review at least two of your peers' submissions.
One day foods that I have eaten in  this week
1. Question 1: List the foods you consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks throughout the 24-hour period you selected.

My consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any snacks throughout the 24-hour period. I selected below List the foods:
i. Breakfast: Fresh fruit, non-fat Greek yogurt and oats.
ii. Lunch: Green salad, Curried lentils and wild rice & beans.
iii. Dinner: Salmon and steamed vegetables.
iv. Snacks: Handful of almonds.

2. Question: which would be considered ultra-processed, minimally-processed, and whole foods?
a. whole foods: Almonds, Fresh fruit, beans, Green salad.
b. Minimally-processed: Steamed vegetables, Curried lentils, non-fat Greek yogurt and oats.
c. Ultra-processed: Salmon, rice.

3. Question: Describe three characteristics of ultra-processed food that make it unhealthy for your body.
Answer: Three characteristics of ultra-processed food responds to pleasure from foods that raise dopamine  that make it unhealthy for your body.
Namely, fat, sugar, and salt.

4. Question: List three advantages of consuming high-quality carbs, fats, and proteins versus low-quality carbs, fats, and proteins.

i. By eating whole foods that are mostly plant-based, you won't ratchet up your set point.
ii. The higher-quality of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in whole foods also prevent and even reverse many diseases ranging from diabetes to heart disease and cancer.
iii. Plant based whole foods contain health promoting chemicals found only in plants called phytonutrients. These include antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, as well as ones I can turn on good genes and turn off our bad genes.
iv. The fiber in many plant-based whole foods also feeds our good gut bacteria.
v. By reducing oxidative damage and inflammation,populating our gut with diverse good bacteria and controlling how we express our genes, whole foods keep us healthy and living longer.

5. Question: Select two foods you ate in your 24-hour period or that you consume frequently that are heavily processed.

Salmon and rice are two foods i ate in your 24-hour period.

6. Question: Choose two new minimally- processed/whole foods items that you could easily substitute and want to try this week.

Answer: pesto and Teriyaki tofu are two new minimally- processed that i could easily substitute and want to try this week.

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